Can H1B Work from Home? Is a new LCA or Amendment Required?

H1B Work from home with address in LCA. Different state/city allowed. File H1B amendment if home in different MSA. Post LCA at home or employer’s headquarters.

AM22Tech Team
Updated 6 Mar, 24

Can H1B work from home? - New LCA or amendment required?

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Can H1B work from home? Yes, an H1B can work from home if a few conditions are met. A lot depends on the location of your home with respect to your work office.

A concept called MSA (metropolitan statistical area) is important as it defines the boundaries of approved LCA.

You have to post LCA irrespective of MSA but an H1B amendment is also required if your home is in a different MSA.

Note that the requirement is not judged by 50 miles distance as many people believe. An MSA may change within a mile too.

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