Industry Guidance and Resources

OASIS industry partners are integral to the helping agencies meet their complex professional services requirements. Below are resources to support OASIS vendors with contract maintenance, contract reporting, research tools and staying connected.

Contract Administration

Proper contract maintenance is vital to ensuring OASIS vendors can respond to buying opportunities.

OASIS Points of Contact

We have designated two email addresses that must be used when contacting OASIS:

Modification- When requesting modifications (e.g., novations, address changes), submitting contract compliance deliverable documentation, or submitting changes or any other updates to your contract information (eg., email, phone, contact information), please use the following form to submit changes.

General Questions- The email address that is set up to field all general OASIS questions that are not related to contract compliance or contract changes, is:

New Contractor Guidance

The OASIS Systems Tools and Registration [PDF - 98 KB] document provides guides to the various registrations and tools required to manage your contract and help your company maintain compliance with the OASIS program requirements.

This welcome letter [PDF - 211 KB] provides additional guidance to newly awarded contractors.

Novation Checklist

This novation checklist [XLSX - 21 KB] provides guidance on requesting a novation under your OASIS contract.

How to Respond to Task Order Solicitations

Monitor and respond to task order solicitations through GSA eBuy, the OASIS Contractor and Email Distribution List, and Symphony Procurement Suite.

GSA eBuy

GSA eBuy is a powerful and intuitive acquisition tool used by thousands of US federal agencies and military services worldwide to achieve required competition, best pricing and value. GSA eBuy saves you time and money - all while keeping you FAR compliant.

OASIS Contractor List (OCL)


Symphony is the preferred task order management tool for the One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services (OASIS) program. Symphony, eBuy, or GSA ASSIST may be used to solicit responses to task order requests for proposals (RFPs), requests for information (RFI), and other market research.

Symphony Procurement Suite

OASIS uses Symphony Procurement Suite (the commercial-off-the-shelf software), to issue, manage and award task orders.

Symphony is a full lifecycle procurement Software as a Service (SaaS) allowing government organizations to manage complex contracts. Symphony ensures organizations are purchasing according to fair opportunity laws and rules. Symphony provides users increased transparency and integrity at both the master contract level and task order level.

This Symphony Task Order System Reference Guide for Industry [PDF - 230 KB] highlights important resources and links to help you navigate the tool.

Important links and documents to note:

Contract Reporting

The OASIS contract requires vendors to properly report new task orders awarded against their contract in CPRM.

Contract Payment Reporting Module (CPRM)

You may contact with any questions you have about CPRM or reporting.

Failure to ensure the CAF is appropriately included in all task order solicitation responses and subsequent task order awards, on a separate line item, may lead to contract non-compliance. It is critical to ensure CAF is paid to you by ordering contracting offices, so that you may in turn remit payment to GSA. Your OASIS contract requires you to report new task orders awarded against your contract within 30 days in CPRM, and to report invoices each quarter after that. Remittance of CAF billed to, and collected from, your customers in a timely manner through CPRM reporting is required by the contract in Section G.3.1., Contract Access Fee. You may contact with any questions you have about CPRM or reporting.

Vouchers & Contract Access Fee Remittance (PDF) -July 2024

Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs)

Below is a list of agencies that have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to use the OASIS contracts and the related reduced Contract Assessment Fee (CAF) rate percentages.

*(CMMS is a Bureau within The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)).

Getting on OASIS

OASIS is not a GSA Schedule contract, meaning there is not a continuously open application process; therefore, applications will not be accepted.

How to Participate

Getting on OASIS is a competitive process called on-ramping. On-ramps can be conducted as necessary at GSA's discretion. GSA does not plan to conduct additional on-ramps.

The immediate opportunity is to become a subcontractor with an existing OASIS Unrestricted or OASIS SB prime contractor. Determine what core competencies and value your company brings to potential solutions, network with the OASIS primes, and figure out the best ways to work together. Reminder: It is strictly prohibited to send emails by way of the following Pool Links if you are not an authorized government official. Non-authorized personnel may contact the Prime Contract holders individually through links found the Buyers Guidance and Resources page

OASIS Shared Interest Groups

The OASIS Shared Interest Group (OSIG) supports an open channel of communication between awarded contractors and the OASIS program.

About the OSIG

The OASIS industry partners have established an OASIS Shared Interest Group (OSIG) to support an open channel of communication between awarded contractors and the OASIS program and to collaborate on topics including business development, small business concerns, and special projects.

OASIS Contractor Capability Statements

Research Tools

These tools are designed to help buyers make better program and business decisions.

OASIS Dashboard

The OASIS Program created a tool that takes its data to the next level. OASIS stakeholders can now view and segment OASIS information to make better program and business decisions.

With the OASIS Dashboard, you have the ability to:

Notice to Users: GSA strives to comply with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Some of the dashboard content presented through .swf files may not be completely accessible to users of assisted technology. If you experience technical issues, please contact BIEDW Support.

For content questions, please email OASIS Customer Support.

Contract-Awarded Labor Category (CALC)

The Contract-Awarded Labor Category (CALC) tool helps federal contracting officers and others find awarded prices to use in negotiations for labor contracts. It offers ceiling prices, fully burdened costs, services data, and worldwide rates.

OASIS Price Estimating Tool (PET)

The OASIS Price Estimating Tool has been decommissioned and is no longer available. Please use the PET Resource tool (available on PET page) to develop labor rate estimates applicable to the OASIS Multiple Award Contract labor categories defined in Section J.1. Attachment 1, of the OASIS contract.

Department/Agency DPA Listing

Category Management Dashboards and Analytics

The Government-Wide Category Management (CM) Reporting and Analytics site contains a series of dashboards and tools to support stakeholders in the full CM lifecycle.

OASIS Solicitations

Reference the original OASIS solicitation documents below.

OASIS Small Business Original Solicitation Documents

OASIS 8(a) Original Solicitation Documents

OASIS Unrestricted Original Solicitation Documents

Numerical Score Card

The original solicitation is self-scored and then verified by the OASIS PMO. The same evaluation criteria and scoring table of the original solicitation will be used for any on-ramping procurement. The lowest scoring contractor was based on the lowest evaluated numerical score, within a given Pool in accordance with the scoring table in Section M of the solicitation (see links above), at the time of the original awards.

Below are the lowest evaluated numerical scores per Pool per vehicle.

OASIS Small Business OASIS (Unrestricted)
Pool 1: 5925 Pool 1: 7825
Pool 2: 2250 Pool 2: 5100
Pool 3: 5875 Pool 3: 7575
Pool 4: 6575 Pool 4: 7550
Pool 5A: 6625 Pool 5A: 7950
Pool 5B: 6975 Pool 5B: 8325
Pool 6: 5450 Pool 6: 5125

Other Resources

OASIS contractors are encouraged to join the OASIS Interact community and reach out to the Vendor Support with questions about user manuals and general vendor inquiries.

OASIS Interact Communities

National Customer Service Center

Contact the National Customer Service Center for general vendor inquiries.

Chat now! Chat now!


NOTE: The OASIS SB and OASIS Customer Support email addresses have been merged into the

Contract Number of Contract Holders
OASIS Unrestricted 115
OASIS Small Business 411
OASIS 8(a) 41
Last updated: Aug 6, 2024


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Rates are available between 10/1/2022 and 09/30/2025.

The End Date of your trip can not occur before the Start Date.

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Traveler reimbursement is based on the location of the work activities and not the accommodations, unless lodging is not available at the work activity, then the agency may authorize the rate where lodging is obtained.

Unless otherwise specified, the per diem locality is defined as "all locations within, or entirely surrounded by, the corporate limits of the key city, including independent entities located within those boundaries."

Per diem localities with county definitions shall include"all locations within, or entirely surrounded by, the corporate limits of the key city as well as the boundaries of the listed counties, including independent entities located within the boundaries of the key city and the listed counties (unless otherwise listed separately)."

When a military installation or Government - related facility(whether or not specifically named) is located partially within more than one city or county boundary, the applicable per diem rate for the entire installation or facility is the higher of the rates which apply to the cities and / or counties, even though part(s) of such activities may be located outside the defined per diem locality.